RANMA 1/2 (2024) REVIEW

ranma 1/2 is one of those anime that was so deeply formative to my person that i don't exactly know how to try and be impartial about this review. turns out, i don't have to be, because you came to my blog. this is my home turf, motherfucker. ranma made me gay and trans when i was a kid, and it's here to do it to a whole new generation of dweebs.

with a new, more manga-faithful artstyle, a largely returning JP cast, and an all new EN cast, this adaptation quickly cemented itself as my go-to recommendation for people looking to get into ranma for the first time. no more filler (though don't get me wrong, i love some of the elements added in the original show), so it can get right into all the juicy character moments straight from the page of rumiko takahasi's classic manga.

the fights are so thoroughly well-animated and storyboarded in this version of the show, and the comedy beats are incredibly punch as well, it brings the whole project together in a way that makes it feel like you're watching the original, as it's so faithful to modernizing the aesthetics they'd been going for there. this isn't a bland, milquetoast and sauceless 1 to 1 adaptation that we see a lot in anime, this, and the recent urusei yatsura remake, are something special.

another fun thing of note that me and my partner realized while watching is that they make heavy use of the valve source SFX and the bethesda stock SFX packs, which doesn't factor into my thoughts pretty much at all, other than that it's a fun little observation.


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i weally like funny yokai alien show.

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an on-impact classic of the mech genre, this was my first introduction to little gay boys piloting robits.

this is what a review might look like.
